1. Nice bright colors! I have to ask… what was photographed here. I believe I can make out a pencil, but the rest is a mystery.

    1. Thank you nharvey. Glad I provided something that takes a little time. Actually the starting image was a hallway with a bright window at the end and some colorful murals along one side. I liked the interplay of colors and manipulated the colors in a layer. Then I decided “to go for it” and warped the whole image. It took many tries to get the result that I finally found to my liking. The tool used was PaintShop Pro – Distortion Effects – Wave.

        1. No pencil, no closeup. Just heavy manipulation! My starting image was visually similar to you Road Beneath – not nearly as nice though.

  2. Well thank you for the compliment! I’m flattered you took time to look at my work. I hope to eventually get back to doing more…have had a very tough season with health and family issues.

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